Everything you need to know about snowflake test

Kyle Reyes, the CEO of Silent Partner Marketing in Manchester, Conn., created a snowflake test after receiving hundreds of applications to weed out whiny, entitled candidates.
Media coverage of this test was high because it implied that some people were quite different – like snowflakes – and therefore suspicious. Reyes’ testing process evaluates candidates’ sensitivity to the company culture. Here are some examples:
- Would you mind telling me what your opinion is on guns?
- Is the police service satisfactory to you?
- It is difficult to define the word “entitled.”.
No matter how well-intended, Reyes’ test design has flaws. Despite his best efforts, it is difficult to decide which candidates are a good fit for the company’s culture.
Groupthink can be dangerous.
When hiring repeat employees, an organization should consider beliefs rather than perspectives. Communicating broadly with diverse clients can be challenging.
In Richmond, Va., Mollie Delp, a human resources specialist at Workshop Digital, said a hiring manager may only be interested in extroverts and may want to eliminate introverts, quiet people, or shy people.
We can therefore approach problems differently, so many differences can arise. Everybody has clients they need to communicate with and resolve, but it’s highly unlikely that every customer or contact they make will also be an extrovert.
As opposed to asking for descriptions of thinking processes, find out how candidates solve problems. Samar Birwadker, CEO of Good&Co, said he tests candidates for their ability to apply new ideas in challenging situations.
Tests entail fear as a central component.
The article by Todd Mitchem, an executive coach from Denver and director of disruption at An executive coaching firm, discusses how the snowflake test measures surface level values while simultaneously degrading the individual. Motivate, inspire, and elevate your team to success in order to lead them to success. It seems that Reyes, rather than building a culture of fear from the beginning, does the opposite.”
The snowflake test results in employers being aware from day one that their beliefs and ideas will be evaluated. As a result, they will not share new ideas because they might face punishment.
It is recommended by Dr. Steven Stein that we concentrate on emotional intelligence as an alternative. If you have employees who are open-minded and accept all viewpoints, your organization will thrive.
It is important to understand how hiring works.
When hiring a new employee, it is imperative to consider the job’s fit; the snowflake test does not factor that in. Snowflakes are also not always accurate.
He hired people to do the job, but will they actually be able to do it? asked the owner. Founder and CEO of Choose People in Denver, Kris Boesch, said that based on the snowflake test, his performance is not evaluated. It’s okay to follow him.”
Stein went on to say, “This test has no foundation.”. Although it does assess aspects that could be considered legitimate, such as the ability to function in specific cultures or groups, there is something questionable about how it is done. Working in an environment where everyone believes the same thing is unproductive.”
Instead of discussing politics during an interview, focus on interpersonal skills, detail orientation, and hard skills related to the responsibilities of the position. Tools like Caliper, Traitify, and 6Q software can help you achieve this goal. Assessing candidates’ skills and personalities can help employers find the best candidates.