How does family orientation impact marketing communications?

Most consumers prefer to do most of their shopping for personal or household items in a family setting. As a result, communication by marketers is often directed at the whole family. Wanna buy Twitter followers at competitive prices? Then, give Socialwick!
As a result, family-oriented communication is a key to success.
- The family communicates with each other. This can include verbal and nonverbal cues, such as eye contact, body language and tone of voice that indicate whether they like something or not.
- The family communicates with the marketer. For example, if you’re selling a product that’s useful for moms (such as diapers), moms will be more likely to buy from you if they know what kind of diapers their kids need—and how much money those types cost in comparison to other brands’ products.
- The marketer communicates with the family: You may want your customers’ opinion about your product so that when it comes time for them to make their purchases online or at brick-and-mortar stores like Target, Walmart etcetera…you know how well these products work!
The husband as well as wife and children are likely to influence each other’s choice
The husband and wife are likely to influence each other’s choice. For example, if a woman wants to buy a new car but her husband does not want it, she may get it anyway by using his credit card or making him believe that he can afford it while secretly planning later on how she will repay him in installments (assuming she could afford such a thing). Similarly, if a man wants something expensive but his wife does not want him spending too much money on himself at once before paying off their debts together with the rest of their savings account balance, then this might lead him into thinking that something else should be bought instead—an expensive watch perhaps?
In several cases the wife tends to be the key decision maker; in others the preferences of others are taken into consideration
In some cases, family members may have different opinions on what they would like to see happening in marketing communications. For example, if one family member wants a certain kind of ad then another might want something different because he or she has an interest in it (e.g., sports).
In some cases, the children are the primary controllers of the buying behaviour
This is especially true for younger children who often have a greater influence on what their parents buy and how they spend their money.
In other words: Children can be very influential when it comes to making decisions about what we buy as families. And if you’re trying to develop brands that speak directly to your target audience—and not just sell products—then understanding how kids think is more important than ever before!
Most families have been found to be quite sensitive in their choice of brands, even if it is not a high involvement product such as toothpaste or a low involvement product such as soap. This is especially true since the family is the focal point for consumption decisions. The family unit is also an important target market for marketers as they tend to spend more on household items than individual consumers do.
Some consumers are a very influential group and their preferences have led to the growth of market segments that cater to the needs of the family. With this growth, marketers have adapted their communication strategies accordingly. It is also important for marketers to understand that families interact with each other in different ways, and hence it would be useful if they understand how everyone within a family influences each other’s choice.