Should We Distinguish Leadership By Level Of Elon Musk IQ?

It seems as if every time we turn around there is another tech guru on the headlines with one unbelievable claim or the other. There’s always at least one CEO or inventor who is determined to set new standards or educes in any technology they are trying to launch. One case in point is Elon Musk, the man behind PayPal and now Tesla Motors. Recently he stated that he has a staggering IQ of just over 150. Not only is this extremely high, but some neuro scientists believe it to be close to genius level.
Many people feel that to have the IQ level to even come close to being a CEO or an inventor is just simply amazing. Others question his ability to lead because he doesn’t have a college education or degree. Well, whatever your thoughts on this, one thing is for certain; Mr. Musk is certainly not lacking in the slightest. His achievements are quite impressive and in fact, have set new barometers for how human beings can function and develop intellectually.
Many believe that the reason why there is such a high level of curiosity about the man is because of his intellect. His brilliant mind and his ability to think on his feet has allowed him to achieve so much and to do so quickly. However, one would think that such an accomplished person wouldn’t still be struggling with companies like PayPal which is not that long old, and where competitors are way more technologically advanced. So, does Musk really possess the kind of intelligence required to run such a large company?
Well, as it turns out, he does. Indeed, many people who have measured his IQ or otherwise referred to as his Intelligence Quotient, have determined that he indeed has that type of mental ability. In fact, they state that he is one of those rare individuals that have achieved above average IQ levels and is capable of achieving extremely high IQ levels in the future. Is there any doubt then that he is undoubtedly among the most intelligent individuals of our time and that he is capable of leading a company like PayPal and getting it to the next level as it has evolved?
High IQ scores
The problem with studying IQ or even studying one’s own IQ is that it can only be measured from within an individual. Where are you when you take an IQ test and there is no way to prove that you indeed have an IQ level that is high enough to be able to lead a company? This is why so many are looking at studying the ability of leaders such as Musk and others to better understand what makes them tick and how their high Iq scores come from. In fact, many companies have been studying and trying to replicate what Musk is doing by hiring Ivy League IQ experts and having them create artificial intelligence test programs to see if they can achieve similar results.
There is another interesting aspect to the story as well. The reason why this is so important to understand is because you must be very careful indeed when you apply technical information like, for instance, that studying high Iq scores will somehow translate into being a better leader. You see, there is a huge difference between leadership and management. You see, when you are a leader, you do not just go out and order your employees to use numbers that you give them. That is just excessive regulation.
Communicate your ideas
What really separates leadership from management is having the ability to communicate your ideas and ideals through numbers and information. Therefore, it makes sense that if you are going to measure someone’s IQ or even their Iq, then you should use numbers that show how their Iq level is along with other pertinent information. In fact, I was actually reading an article about Elon Musk and his company, PayPal, and they had used an interesting method of Iq score measurement, and you might not think about it but basically they were using a combination of numbers, maps, and brain imaging to determine the areas in which people excel in.
Now then, you might say that is a little off the wall, and perhaps it is but it shows a basic concept of how we should be thinking about how to measure someone’s IQ or their Iq. Therefore, Mr. Musk is clearly one of those individuals who has the right mind, or maybe just the right attitude, to be able to use technology to increase human performance and that is truly amazing.
True leader
This is why I believe Elon Musk is way ahead of the curve, and that in itself is a true leader, who knows how to lead, and is also using complex technology to leverage brain power in a huge way. It is very interesting to me that there is a person with such profound intelligence, and who understands how to apply technical information in a way that is timely, relevant, and actionable, while at the same time, making money. It is no secret that the Internet has allowed some very wealthy people to achieve unbelievable wealth, and this is a direct result of someone who understood the concepts of social capital and networking at a young age, and thus was able to leverage that.
In fact, Mr. Musk is using social networking tools such as his website, as well as Twitter, to keep in touch with his fans and followers, and this is something that more than anything else, is keeping him so successful, and why I believe he is truly a leader, even though he may not always seem like one. Please consider all this.