Top 8 Exercises to Start Your Day and Make Your Life Healthier

Numerous studies have confirmed that a morning workout can set you up for a positive mood and give you energy for the whole day. And this effect is only enhanced when exercising with a colleague, friend, or spouse. Exercise plays an important role in treating disorders and speeds up brain function.
Studies from Appalachian State University show that regular morning exercise lowers blood pressure. These 10 simple exercises are adored not only by individuals but also used by teams reaching the first positions in Add them at the start of the day that you can quite easily do from the comfort of your own home.
Cat Stretching
Stretching exercises are good for toning muscles as well as preventing arthritis. Cat stretching helps prepare the body for other morning exercises by warming up the body and making it more elastic. It can also be helpful in the evening hours, especially after sitting for long periods of time. Stretching promotes flexibility in the spine and is a good warm-up exercise.
Stand on all fours and round your back so that your head tries to meet your pelvis. Then lower and raise your head so that your lower back is arched. Do these movements slowly and smoothly.
It is better to do your morning jogging outside to have contact with nature, but running on a treadmill will also bring a lot of benefits. You can independently calculate your load and increase the duration of your workout according to your well-being.
If you find it difficult to run in the morning, do not despair. Start with a brisk walk and gradually switch to running to prepare your body for this change. Running can strengthen your bones, control your weight, and lower your blood pressure.
Jumping is good for cardiovascular health as well as toning muscles, especially the calves and deltoids.
Stand with your feet together. Do a jump with your arms and legs spread apart. Return to the first position and continue the movement. Repeating the exercise for 1 minute is enough to start, but once you get used to it, increase the execution time.
Leg Swings
Leg muscles are used every day, allowing you to run, get in the car, or hike. They are very important for stable body positioning and preventing pelvic tilt.
Lie down on your right side. Stretch your legs and make sure your body is in a level position. Keep your right hand on the floor and your left hand on your hip.
Slowly lift your left leg into the air, keeping it straight, and then release it. Do a few repetitions, then switch to your right leg.
Squats promote knee stability and greatly benefit leg muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.
Stand so that your feet are just over shoulder width apart. Extend your arms in front of you. Lower your pelvis as if you were going to sit down until you reach a 90-degree angle. You can go lower if you can. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times in 2 sets.
Push Ups
Push ups help strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps. This is a great strengthening exercise for many muscle groups, from your toes to your shoulders.
Stand on all fours, then extend your legs and lift your torso on level arms. They should be in line with your shoulders. Take a breath as you bend your arms, helping to lower your body. On the exhale, you should return to the starting position.
Lunges are essential for strengthening and toning the quadriceps, gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your palms on your hips. Take a long step forward with your right foot. Make sure your knee does not go further than your toes. Lower your left knee almost to the level of the floor. Alternate legs as you move.
Arm Flexions
Arm flexions strengthen and tone the brachioradialis muscle located in the forearm. It is engaged when we lift things when we bend the arm at the elbow, so it works countless times a day.
Choose dumbbells or another household item that you can easily hold in your hands. Sit on the floor with the dumbbells in your hands. Lean forward slightly so that your triceps can rest on your thigh, providing extra support. Lift your arms alternately to shoulder height and then lower them. Inhale as you lift the weight and exhale as you lower it.